Spent the day cleaning, organizing, doing dishes and laundry; which never seem to end... There were a few snow flurries earlier and there is a chance for some snow tonight. Sounds like my pantry is going to be overrun tomorrow, one of my friends is cleaning out her pantry and sending me all the stuff her hubby won't eat or use. I'm excited about that, these types of things are usually the impetus for a big batch of something to be canned.

Ran to town quick and picked up my new portable carpet shampooer!** It's a beast and not only has a great spray feature, but also sucks up the dirty water really well. I'm using it on a small area of short berber carpet. It is getting down into the fibers and sucking up more dirt and crap than I knew was in there. I spray a small section, letting that soak for awhile, sucking that dirty water up and spraying it again. When the area is all done, I will do it all over with plain water. I'm using the solution that came with it.
** I'm an Amazon Associate. This means if you click on the link and possibly buy something linked on this website, I might get a little commission that helps support the cost of this blog.