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Writer: Crazy Jar LadyCrazy Jar Lady

We live in the middle of nowhere, just a tiny town that is 45 minutes from the nearest larger population. DG and Casey's are available, we have a local grocery store, but if you need anything else, you gotta drive. And I needed to run to the bank....

Tuesdays are usually egg and errand day, in the closest town; and it takes all day. I have a couple customers that I deliver to and they didn't need any eggs so I decided to just use my Tuesday to catch up on little things around here. Bestie was gonna run and grab groceries so she picked up for me too.

I hadn't washed eggs yet but she said she was free so I ran over to her place to pick the groceries up and check out her garden. Then I took off for the bank. That's an hour and a half trip so I grabbed a sandwich at the Mennonite store (on the way) and put on some tunes to drive to.

I had just gotten back and sat down to eat. A message pops up that Bestie had some folks visit and they NEEDED 2 dozen eggs! Right now! It's an egg- mergency! Well yes ma''am; I will get right on that. I grabbed a cookie and ate that quick so I had some "lunch" in me and hurried up and washed the eggs and delivered 2 dozen eggs for her friends and a dozen pullet eggs for her.

Whew! Crisis averted but I was HANGRY. I had set the pot of ham and beans I started on the stove that morning. They had smelled good all day.... OH! They are ready! I hurried up and mixed a box of cornbread (don't judge), baked that, and I had me some ham and beans for lun-der (lunch/dinner).

Tuesday was just one of those days. Everything I tried to do got interrupted 3 times. I would start something and get distracted and start something else. By 4 pm I was exhausted and I never did really feel like I accomplished anything. Time for a nap to reset the day. "Learn to rest when you're tired; not to quit."

I didn't wake up for 2 hours. It was 6 by the time I got up and I had forgotten what day it was and where I was. It took me a few minutes to get oriented. I don't remember any dreams, but I sure had crashed out! Of course, I was a little bit hungry when I woke up but didn't want supper yet. I grabbed a couple peanut butter cookies and went outside. Of course, peanut butter cookies make me pretty popular with the doggies so it was a challenge to get those eaten without them getting stolen or nibbled on when I wasn't looking.

Then it was time for chores and I needed to check on the garden. (Cause even though it was just planted, everything should be up and thriving already, right?) The cauliflower was wilted and pitiful so I watered them. All the animals were happy to see me since I brought food.

Got cleaned up and ready for bed; still wasn't super hungry. Oh well, I will eat that sandwich in the middle of the night. Crap, forgot the dog's pill; get up and do that. Finally about 10pm I was still awake and got hungry. Then I ate the sandwich that I originally intended for lunch and it was tasty. What a day.

Do you ever have all mixed up crazy days like this? I'm thinking I should have just gone ahead and ran errands and kept the usual Tuesday schedule!



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