I can still remember Dad yelling.... PUT IT RIGHT BACK WHERE YOU FOUND IT! Well..... I got so good at it, he couldn't even tell I used the tool; unless he saw me using it.
Has this passed over into my own everyday life? Nope.
I want it to.
I do have a few things that if you move them, I will have a fit (maybe this can help other folks like me):
There's a pair of scissors** that LIVE in the knife block. Use them, wash them, put the damn things right back.
When I take the weights off the pressure canners**, the weights go right into the silverware drawer in their cubbie.
There are 2 magnetic timers that live on the range hood, one for above each canner.
The magnetic lid wand** gets stuck to a particular knife in the knife block, no where else.
The church key** I use to open jars is stuck to a magnet on the fridge and better not move.
Lids ready to use go in the little white basket that lives on the microwave.
Trash bags live on the shelf next to the trash cans. You may take a bag, not the roll.
There is a sharpie marker in the zipper bag drawer, use it and put it right back!
Yes, there's a separate drawer for bags and one for foils, wraps, and papers.
Plastic and wood utensils in one crock, metal in the other except for the blue enamel ladle cause I will need it.
Here's a few that I'm working on:
Canners live on the top shelf in the pantry.
The food chopper** and mandolin** have their own garage (container) in the pantry and get returned when clean.
The manual food mills** and the mixer attachment food mill**, also have their own garage and are returned after cleaning.
There are several needing to be implemented:
Tea and milk have their own shelf in the door of the fridge.
Kitchenaids** and their attachments..... need I say more?
All other small appliances, food processor**, ice cream maker**, etc need a home
Empty plastic food containers and their lids. They have their own cabinet already, it shouldn't be this hard.
Herb and Spice organization, the racks** are purchased but still in the boxes.
The jar lifter** tends to travel away and get left, not even in the kitchen.
Hot pads.... grrrrr
I guess after the holidays it's time for organization according to the sales that companies have.... I fight with it everyday. I know I'm not alone. Would you share your tales, pet peeves and hacks?
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