I've not had access to a restaurant supply store; nor have I ever shopped online for restaurant style equipment. I have a blue enamelware ladle that I purchased somewhere along the way at a thrift store and I LOVE it. It scoops exactly a cup each time. I use it every time I'm canning as it's easier to fill jars precisely. Blue ladle is starting to rust.
I searched Amazon for an 8 oz ladle** and by golly, there were are whole host of sizes, handle lengths and types available. They had an 8 oz one on sale for $5 at the time and even though the handle is longer than I would prefer, I went ahead and purchased it. Now I have two 8 oz ladles... just in case the blue one goes caput. Seems like a small thing, but it makes me feel better having another one on hand. Anything I can't stand is being in the middle of something and a core piece of equipment decides to die. It's ruined my day on multiple occasions!
I also have a white melamine ladle** that I use for other things like soups, etc... It's stained from all the chili it has dipped over the years and maybe I should think about adding another one to the force, just in case. Yeah, I just added it to cart....
What are your favorite kitchen utensils that you can't live without?
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