I miss my cows.
Every year, there would be atleast one set of twins. If it was 2 bulls, they were named Pete and Repeat.
I was thinking about what to make for supper the other night and it occurred to me that Pete and Repeat OR wash, rinse, repeat would be fitting for a post about recipes that we use alot. This is how my brain works.
I made the Herbed Batter Bread again; just so I could make toast for breakfast! I'm making the Sausage Tortellini Soup again because I was given some spinach to use up.
Then I got to thinking about all the canning recipes that I use over and over and over again. Cooked Meat Mix and all the things to make with it; Chili, Hamburger Veggie Soup, Spaghetti Meat Sauce, Goulash....
Then you have the yearly holiday have-to makes like Christmas Cheesecake or the obligatory Cinnamon Rolls.
There's several things I haven't made in awhile that I want to have again; Beef Stroganoff is one right off the top of my head. It used to be that I had to have made a roast and have leftovers before I could make Stroganoff; not anymore. Now that I can beef and venison chunks regularly, it will be so simple. I think that might be what's for supper tonight. Been too long since I made it..... Watch for a post!
What have you made recently that's a repeat?